
Serving in Worship

St. John’s has weekly opportunities for parishioners to serve as lay ministers, assisting our liturgy, providing logistical support, and much more.


Acolytes (age 10+)

The word “acolyte” means “follower” or “helper.” Young people serve as acolytes by carrying the cross and candles during the worship procession. Acolytes add to the dignity and ceremony of our liturgy and are central to youth involvement in parish religious life. Children age 10 and up may serve as torch bearers; older teens may serve as the crucifer. Training and vestments are provided by the church.

Youth Lectors (age 11+)

After training, youth may serve as lector, reading scripture during worship services.

Youth Ushers (age 15+)

Youth ushers welcome people to worship, present the gifts of bread and wine to the altar, and provide logistical assistance during services.


Lay Worship Leaders

Members of the community may directly participate in our liturgy as crucifers, chalice bearers, and lay readers, or provide logistical and technical assistance as ushers, greeters, and livestream technicians. Training for these ministries is simple, and we take delight in welcoming each new member.

Contact our worship ministry leaders

Flower Guild

Members of the Flower Guild beautify the church and enrich worship by preparing flowers for Sunday services, weddings, funerals and other parish activities. Each week, a team of two arranges flowers for the altar, chapel, and narthex. The guild crafts bouquets for parishioners unable to attend weekly services, as well as floral arrangements to remember or give thanks for loved ones on significant occasions.

To sponsor a flower memorial, contact Charley Griffin.

Tour Guides

After Sunday morning services conclude, or by special arrangement, volunteers from the parish lead guided tours covering St. John’s history and architecture. If you’re interested in becoming a tour guide, contact Richard Busch.

© Abby Greenawalt

© Abby Greenawalt

© Abby Greenawalt