
The goodness of being a member

These days, membership is thought of as a transactional thing. But in the letters of Paul, he urges us to see ourselves as members one of another, and that together we create a whole that can do more than any of us could do alone. We need one another as we walk this journey of faith together.

At St. John’s, membership is about life in real community, with others who come from all walks of life with the common goal of living in the light of Christ.

Membership is also a gift of grace. All those who are ready to say they are members can be members here.

Many will respond to this gift of grace by offering time, talent or treasure, but that is not a requirement.

Technically, to be a member we ask that you record your baptism with us, which is as simple as telling us the date and place of your baptism. Others will choose to be confirmed if they have not been, or received from another tradition. We have an opportunity to do this twice each year, in the presence of a bishop.

We encourage all new members, or those considering membership, to take our Inquirers Course. This is a survey of Christian faith including how to fruitfully read the Bible, the foundational pieces of theology, and an orientation to the rich tradition of the Episcopal Church. It is taught by the Rector over two Saturdays with one session in the Fall and one in the Spring. It is also a wonderful opportunity to bond with other new members. The Inquirers Course serves as preparation for confirmation or reception in the Episcopal Church. 

There is also a formal term called a member in good standing, which means that you are a member who makes a financial contribution to the church and you attend with some regularity. Those who do are canonically entitled to vote at annual meetings or run for Vestry.

Membership at St. John’s is a beautiful and lifegiving experience. To learn more, please contact Lisa Koehler.

© Abby Greenawalt

© Abby Greenawalt

© Abby Greenawalt