
Meet the Rev. Rob Fisher
15th Rector, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square
To be a Christian is not about wearing a badge or joining a club; rather, it is about living our lives following Christ’s way of love. The joy of Christianity comes precisely when we put our faith into practice! All that we do at St. John’s—from worship to outreach to fellowship—has the potential to form us as active Christians. And in particular, we believe lifelong learning is a critical part of this journey of faith. We provide many opportunities for parishioners to grow in learning together, engaging minds and hearts in the study of scripture, theology, and church history.
Inquirers Class
For adults who wish to be baptized or confirmed in the Episcopal Church and become members at St. John’s, or those who are simply curious, we invite you to join the Inquirers Class. The two-day class explores our faith, the history and tradition of the church, the spiritual life of the Episcopal Church, and that of our parish in particular. It prepares non-Episcopalians for baptism at St. John’s and confirmation or reception in the Episcopal Church. Episcopalians seeking reaffirmation are equally welcome, as well as anyone eager to learn more about our long history.
To sign up, or for more information, contact Lisa Koehler.
Educational Ministries
Bible Study
This group meets on most Sunday mornings, using a hybrid approach with some in person and others joining via Zoom. The group studies the structure, audience, and themes of the gospel assigned for each of the Liturgical Years. The weekly conversations explore the connections between the Sunday lessons and the sermon. For class notes and the login information, contact Jack Reiffer.
Education for Ministry
Do you have questions about your faith? Most people do, and most find it challenging to get answers. Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year course of study that provides a framework for connecting faith to daily life.
Trained EfM mentors lead small groups from St. John’s once a week. By taking part, you will learn to think theologically, reflect faithfully, and speak civilly when confronted by beliefs and principles in opposition to your own—skills needed now more than ever in today’s world. Through study, discussion, and involvement in community ministries, you will begin to articulate your faith, shape it into action, and make a difference.
For more details, or to sign up, contact Carolyn Crouch.
Being With
Begun in 2020 by Sam Wells of St. Martin in the Fields, London, participants work in small groups with two leaders through ten weekly sessions. The course explores Christian faith and life through friendship, shared experience, and personal stories which validate God’s presence.
To learn more or sign up, contact Lisa Koehler.