
Ministry Directory

This is a directory of ministries at St. John’s, Lafayette Square. Use the menu below to quickly contact a specific ministry. You can also scroll down to browse our many offerings and learn more about all that we do here at St. John’s.

Christian Formation and Education

Being With

Leadership: The Rev. Sarah Akes-Cardwell

Through ten weekly sessions, small groups explore Christian faith and life through friendship, shared experience, and personal stories that validate God’s presence.

Bible Study

Leadership: Jack Reiffer

This group meets each Sunday, in person and over Zoom, to explore the connections between that morning’s liturgical lessons and the sermon given by St. John’s clergy.

Book Group

Leadership: Janet Edmond

The St. John’s Book Group welcomes life long learners who enjoy diverse works of fiction and non-fiction with emerging themes of stewardship, equity and fairness.

Church School

Leadership: The Rev. Sarah Akes-Cardwell

Education for Ministry (EFM)

Leadership: Carolyn Crouch

Since 1975, over 100,000 EfM participants have learned how to articulate their faith, shape it into action, and make a difference.

Sacred Ground

Leadership: The Rev. William Morris 

Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society.

Community Building (In-Reach)

Christmas Pageant

Leadership: The Rev. Sarah Akes-Cardwell

This Christmas Eve offering, featuring St. John’s youngest members, welcomes helpers who enjoy directing, organizing, sewing, and energizing families.

Community Building Events

Leadership: Holly Sukenik

Lafayette Fellowship

Leadership: Hilary West

Adults looking for community—old souls or the young at heart; parents, couples, singles, or married—are welcome to join the Lafayette Fellowship at St. John’s.

Latrobe Fellowship

Leadership: Jess Unger

The Latrobe Fellowship is an active and engaged group of young adults in their 20s and 30s who find themselves at different places in their life and on their spiritual journeys.

St. John’s Pride

Leadership: Brian Cordova-Brookey & John Schutz

St. John’s Pride shares the good news of God’s love for all in a nurturing, inclusive, and affirming space where the LGBTQIA+ community and allies may find connection and support, celebrate their identities, and walk in love as Christ loves us.

Midweek Men's Group

Leadership: Carter Keithley

The Midweek Men’s Group is an opportunity for men in St. John’s parish to become acquainted over a brown bag lunch using the prescribed readings for the upcoming Sunday as the starting point for conversation.

Parish Lunch

Leadership: Holly Sukenik 

Sunday lunch at St. John’s is a longtime tradition in which every member and every visitor can participate—a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Pastoral Care

Leadership: The Rev. Sarah Akes-Cardwell

The Pastoral Care ministry complements the work of clergy by visiting, praying, and caring for members of the congregation.

Sisters at St. John’s

Leadership: Emily Lucio

Sisters at St. John’s is a group of women who support each other throughout the year in fellowship, friendship, and ministry, including an annual weekend retreat generally held during Lent.

1816 Society

Leadership: Lisa Kirchenbauer 

Formed during our 2016 bicentennial, the 1816 Society recognizes those who support St. John’s through planned giving, an invaluable ministry to our church and congregation.

Engaging Communities and Outreach

Bishop Walker School

Leadership: Andrew Clarke 

A tuition-free school of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington for boys in kindergarten to 5th grade, Bishop Walker School strives to alter the educational trajectory of children from traditionally underserved communities in Wards 7 and 8, preparing them for leadership and service in their communities and well beyond.

Care of Creation

Leadership: Joanne Hutton

The Care of Creation ministry group seeks to educate and empower ourselves, our parish, and our neighbors to fulfill our joint responsibilities as people of faith for the care and stewardship of God’s creation.

Christmas Gift Drive

Leadership: Brian & Kevin Cordova-Brookey

Our Angel Tree outreach ministry involves organizing and advertising gift-giving through an Amazon Wish List and then distributing gifts to youth in need of assistance in the greater Washington community.

Communities in Schools

Leadership: Ann Gardner & Livy More

Drawing on community resources to support vulnerable students and their families, CIS empowers students to stay in school and achieve in life.

Grace’s Table

Leadership: Elizabeth Field 

Every month, parishioners from St. John’s volunteer to prepare and serve a meal at Grace Episcopal in Georgetown to those who are unhoused or on the margins of homelessness.


Leadership: Abbott McCartney

Since 2004, St. John’s has partnered with Kwasa College, an educational institution supporting children living in an informal settlement outside Johannesburg, South Africa. St. John’s also supports clergy development in South Africa’s Diocese of the Highveld.

Outreach Committee

Leadership: Jess Sanchez

Serving others directly and through partnership, in our local community and around the world, the Outreach Committee seeks to live out Christ’s words: “Whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me.”

Refugee Committee

Leadership: Lacey Broemel

The Refugee Committee provides welcome to new migrant neighbors through direct support and educational efforts.

Samaritan Ministry

Leadership: Sarah Wood

Washington Interfaith Network (WIN)

Leadership: Sarah Wood

Worship Leadership


Leadership: Nora Haugh

Acolytes in 6th grade and older have the opportunity to serve and more deeply explore Eucharist services by carrying the cross and candles during the worship procession.

Chalice Bearers

Leadership: Joanne Hutton

Chalice Bearers assist clergy and administer the chalice during communion.


Leadership: Kenny Kraft

Crucifers carry the cross at the head of the worship procession, leading choir and clergy in and out of church in a dignified manner.

Flower Guild

Leadership: Katherine Kyle

St. John’s Flower Guild enriches worship and beautifies the church with flowers for Sunday services, festivals, weddings, funerals and other parish activities throughout the year.


Leadership: Eleanor Odom

Greeters act as ambassadors of the church on Sunday mornings, standing in front of the church to welcome all people!

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM)

Leadership: The Rev. Sarah Akes-Cardwell

Lay Eucharistic Ministers deliver Eucharistic bread and wine, blessed during Sunday worship, to parishioners unable to attend in person.

Lectors/Lay Readers

Leadership: Martha Ellison

Lay Readers deliver the Old Testament and New Testament lessons and lead the prayers of the people during worship.

Livestream Tech

Leadership: Lisa Koehler

Livestream Techs operate cameras and streaming equipment to broadcast our services to those unable to attend in person.

Parish Choir

Leadership: Brent Erstad

We are always interested in auditioning new members for the Parish Choir, comprising dedicated volunteers who contribute their talents to worship each Sunday.

Tour Guides

Leadership: Richard T. Busch

Tour guides provide brief talks on the history of St. John’s, Lafayette Square following the 11:00 AM service on many Sundays throughout the year.


Leadership: James Czerwonky 

Ushers assure that parishioners and visitors have a safe and meaningful experience in worship, provide logistical support to staff, pass offering plates, and help maintain decorum during services.

Staying Connected With St. John’s Church

We invite you to connect with St. John’s and learn more about this congregation in the heart of the nation’s capital. Please click below to fill out our Welcome Form or sign up for one of our newsletters. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you into the St. John’s parish family!